all good children

This is the stop motion project which belongs to a very very good friend of mine, Tamer Aslan. When I watched it, the very first thought that came through my mind was “I have to post it!”, so that other people could see and enjoy it as I did. He used Erik Satie’s Gnossienne No.1 as the music of the video and made me love it twice! After watching it, please don’t ask “Why  blue?”.

Well ok, if you ask, the answer is; “it’s just a matter of aesthetics” (That was the original answer of Tamer).

I’m sorry that I couldn’t embed the video here, but vimeo videos don’t work with wordpress. I really tried.. :(

Anyway, if you click on the image, you’ll be automatically directed to the vimeo where you can watch the video. Or just click here, both will work..